quarta-feira, setembro 30, 2009



Is Love Recession Proof?

Dating Recession proof picture

Americans are tightening their purse strings. Fancy romantic dinners are being replaced by home cooked meals and nights out at the opera are nixed for cozying-up on the couch with a rented movie. However, one sector that has seen growth lately is online dating. This shouldn’t be entirely surprising, because simply put — we always need somebody to love. And despite the financial landscape, online dating sites have posted some of their strongest quarters in years.

One reason for the up tick is that membership to online dating sites may just be the best bang for your buck. Because when you join a site like Match.com or Singlenet.com you feel the return on your investment immediately by being exposed to a world of romantic possibilities and potential mates. Sure, there’s something quaint about meeting someone at the neighborhood bar, but it’s limited to the off chance that someone attractive, compatible, and available happens to show up before you beer-goggle someone less than worthy.

Alex (29) a financial advisor from Philadelphia, PA credits online dating, “I got laid off three months ago, and for a while it was killing my confidence with the ladies. Asking what I did for a living was a pretty standard question… But online dating gave me a chance to take my time and respond with humor and honesty –which my girlfriend insists won her over.”

Don’t wallow in the doom and gloom, be creative and re-invent yourself online: switch up the profile picture, change the parameters that might be limiting your search. Enjoy the vetting process that is the signature of searching online — pick, choose and weed out the freaks (unless, of course, that’s what you’re into).

Remember, dates are opportunities for people to get to know each other. Make sure not to blow your nest egg on a stretch Hummer. Keep it low key and simple. There are a ton of creative frugal date ideas from hiking to strip poker. (But try not to use this downturn as an excuse to be a cheapskate.)

Don’t allow the current financial news to dampen your goal of meeting the right person. Because if online dating is booming then so should your chances of finding love… And that may just be the silver lining in the cloudy forecast.

sábado, setembro 26, 2009


Como podemos passar por esta maravilha sem pensar uma vez mais como é bela a Natureza.! Olhar as belezas que nos rodeiam, todos os dias de nossas vidas, é uma forma de amenizar um pouco os sofrimentos que nos atacam de quando em vez. Alguém disse, e é bem verdade: a vida sem sofrimento não é vida. A vida é aquele mistério em que tantas vezes penso e que tanto desejaria compreender, aprofundar, e conhecer o outro lado que virá um dia a ser a minha nova morada, a morada de todos nós.
Estas flores azuis parecem querer voar ao céu tal a intensidade que se denota na força com que apontam ao infinito. Parece que a terra em que criaram raízes não as deixam fugir porque as amam e porque lhes deram vida.

segunda-feira, setembro 21, 2009